Hope University: Education & Workforce Development
At Room In The Inn, we believe each individual deserves opportunities for lifelong learning and self-empowerment. In addition to direct support, Hope University provides a variety of daily education and workforce development programming to help participants along their journey. Many of these opportunities are led by volunteers and other community partners.
Creative Arts
Our upstairs Education Center includes an Art Room, Music Room, and classes for creative writing, story-telling, film, and literacy.

Spiritual Reflection
Bible study and spiritual reflection classes are offered most days.
“Let’s Kick It”
Peer-led support sessions geared toward setting and meeting personal/employment goals. This program often serves as an introduction to other education and workforce development opportunities on our campus.

Drug & Alcohol Recovery
Participants seeking or in the process of receiving recovery from addiction can attend daily group support sessions.
Housing Class
Our support coordinators discuss the steps to obtaining housing and connect participants with resources to overcome barriers.
Computer Lab & Career Center
Participants are invited to use the computer lab and career center for job seeking, resume writing, and personal career counseling.
One-on-One Meetings
Participants can meet individually with volunteers for GED preparation, math/literacy tutoring, and general mentorship to set personal goals. If interested, a participant should meet with a staff member to discuss your personal goals.
Community Partner Classes
Organizations from the greater Nashville community send representatives to lead sessions covering a variety of topics including financial counseling, cultural exchange, health and wellness, and career counseling. Click
here to learn more about our partnerships in the community.
Education Incentive Program
Class attendance at Hope University is recognized through a rewards system. Participants receive 40 points for each class they attend. They can redeem these points at a store in our Education Center, where they can purchase personal care items, bus passes, identification applications, and vouchers for services at our campus (i.e. storage, and tickets for special programs). Click
here to visit our Amazon Wish List and help provide items for our What's Inn Store.
Clancey’s Café
New Participant Orientation Video WATCH
New Congregation Info Pack DOWNLOAD PDF
Current Congregation Registration Form DOWNLOAD PDF
The Room In The Inn Story, by Charles Strobel Download PDF
Our community comes together at Clancey’s Café to have a cup of coffee and a pastry, get to know one another, and enjoy live music. Performers have included our participants, staff members, and some of Music City’s finest like Charlie Worsham, Don Schlitz, and Carrie Underwood. Guests are able to visit Clancey’s with tickets that they can buy with points earned through attending classes at Hope University.

If you are interested in volunteering to serve at Cafe,
contact our volunteer team.